Hello, I'm Ainsley! 👋

I am an 18-year-old IT student from Sweden in my last year of Gymnasium. I am an enormous computer enthusiast who enjoys activities like self-hosting, programming & hardware

Linux user since the fall of 2020, started with Pop!_OS until I made the switch to VoidLinux half a year later

Minecraft Redstone fanatic. Computational, complex doors, farms & more

My experience!

  • 7th of March, 2004

    Oh hey! The day of my birth!

  • 2016-2018

    Started writing Discord.js bot by copy pasting code online and asking friends for help

  • 2019

    Got into Redstone in Minecraft and was tutored with building a CPU in the game.

  • 2020

    I begun gaining more coding experiences, in languages like JavaScript (Node.js runtime), Zig & Python.

  • August of 2020

    I started my first year of Gymnasium

  • 2021

    Finished most of my projects like imbed, Brainf*ckToZig, ZigF*ck, AinsBOT, Khaos Utils, MonoPew & more

  • Current year

    Just focusing on graduating school, stay tuned for more projects!



HP DL380P Generation 8 server with 2x Intel Xeon E5-2680 and 32GB DDR3 ECC.


Powered by Proxmox, it is using LXC for containers, with everything behind a pfsense instance. To allow for better security, better monitoring & VPN gateways, and scanning packets to prevent intrustion attacks with Snort. Squid Proxy for caching and scanning downloads for malicious content with ClamAV. The services run through a reverse proxy called Caddy for automatic SSL certificates and using multiple services on port 443.


I currently run Gitea, Vaultwarden, Jellyfin, Jenkins, Wiki.js and much more


With my homelab, I can run 24/7 applications of my own. For example, my own Git server, control over my password manager, personal build server for projects which produce AOT binaries & Wiki to document my hosting processes



Asus Aspire 4820 with Intel i3 M 380 & 4GB of DDR3 RAM


This server, as you can infer from the name, is running ArchLinux


This server is running Velocity Proxy & my personal Discord bot


A machine used to maintain a Minecraft proxy for my technical Minecraft servers. It allows the players to switch between the servers with in-game commands. I also run my discord bot on this server as it had the spare resources for it



Retired custom-built desktop, Intel i7-2600K with 8GB of DDR3 RAM


Alike the Archbox, the OS can be infered from the name, as it is running Debian.


This server is running 3 Minecraft servers: A Survival, Creative & Creative Copy of the Survival World


This machine is running the backend Minecraft server for the proxy on Archbox. It is purely for a technical community server where we try to utilize bugs inside Minecraft to allow for incredible stuff in-game.